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Donate online anytime. Thank you!

If you would like to help, monetary donations are greatly appreciated

and are used to help pay medical expenses for the animals in our care.

Donations via credit cards are accepted with PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to donate.

Please click on the button below to make a much needed and much appreciated donation.

You can make a donation to Waverly Pet Rescue using Venmo!



Mail donations to:

Waverly Pet Rescue

PO Box 291

Waverly, IA 50677

Dan Erskine Insurance Agency, Inc.

You can drop off donated pet supplies or cash during business hours at Dan Erskine Insurance in Waverly! He is so kind to help us with this since we do not have a location.

(Downtown Waverly, 2nd block on the East Side of the bridge)

Dan Erskine Insurance

103 E Bremer Ave, Waverly, IA 50677

9 AM - 5 PM Monday - Friday


Rada Cutlery Fundraiser for Waverly Pet Rescue

We are selling 100% American-Made kitchen products from Rada. And Rada is located right here in Waverly, Iowa!

Click HERE to see all the items and to place an order:

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